
I wish I was as photogenic as this flower: a guest post by mary ann

Black-eyed Susans.

For some reason, I never notice these little darlings around my neighborhood. But when I walked around with my camera on vacation, they were EVERYWHERE.

I love their bright colors and the perfect symmetry of their petals,

which bend back as if they’re reaching towards the sun.

They’re like tiny yellow balls of joy!

I'm Mary Ann: lover of chocolate, bokeh, blog comments, raindrops, and all things pink (like my DSLR). I have a little problem with taking WAY too many pictures because, well, they make me happy. I created my blog, shutter happy, to share all the best ones with you. I would love it if you'd visit! If blogging's not your thing, you can also find me on flickr

p.s. Francesca, thanks so much for asking me to guest post! it was great fun :)

Your welcome! Thanks for posting!